What is ePiC?
ePiC is a crowdsourced dataset of narratives for employing proverbs in context as a benchmark for abstract language understanding. The dataset provides fine-grained annotation of aligned spans between proverbs and narratives, and contains minimal lexical overlaps between narratives and proverbs, ensuring that models need to go beyond surface-level reasoning to succeed.
The dataset is accompanied by three tasks
: (1) proverb recommendation and alignment prediction, (2) narrative generation for a given proverb and topic, and (3) identifying narratives with similar motifs.
For more details about ePiC, please refer to our paper:
If you use ePiC in your research, please cite our paper with the following BibTeX entry
@inproceedings{ghosh-srivastava-2022-epic, title = "e{P}i{C}: Employing Proverbs in Context as a Benchmark for Abstract Language Understanding", author = "Ghosh, Sayan and Srivastava, Shashank", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)", year = "2022" }
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